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Keeping Patients on the Move


The 100 Series Rollator is equipped with aluminium frames, combining lightweight design and robust engineering quality. It helps elderly or disabled users move independently with ergonomic handgrips for optimal control. The handles can be adjusted to a desired height for improved comfort. Available in a range of stylish and vibrant colours, the four-wheeled rollator offers reliable support with its sturdy, aluminum frame.


Lockable Breaks for Increased Safety


Enabling full control of the rollator, the Days 100 Series features loop-lock brakes with adjustable tension to suit individual grip strengths. To lock the back wheels, push down on the handles until they ‘click’ into a locked position. To release, simply pull-up on the brake handles until they ‘click’ and unlock. The lockable brakes help increase user safety and mobility independence. The rollator also features a built-in seat, encouraging rests during lengthier walks.


Maximum User Weight - 165 kg/26 stone

Weight - 7 kg

Days 100 Series Rollator

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